blog, environment, stories Karin Traeger blog, environment, stories Karin Traeger

My beginning with Plogging

Plogging: a funny millennial word for something that should be like the rule everywhere you go. In a quick way to explain it, plogging means to run/jog while collecting litter. Well, I would like to share with you how I found out about plogging, or maybe how plogging found me.

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events, cleanup, plogging Karin Traeger events, cleanup, plogging Karin Traeger

Trails, smiles, and plogs at Warby Trail Festival!

Well, if you have been looking for a place that has magnificent outdoor scenery, some decent hills and technical routes, then Warburton is for you! This year, Chris Ord and the teams from Tour de Trails and Salomon put an excellent adventure packed weekend for all to enjoy! With events coming from ultra distances, such as the 50km Lumberjack Ultra, to more beginners’ friendly formats as the Body Positive Stomp and different shorter trail distances, Warby Trail Fest is clearly for everyone!

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