Salomon and Innovation in recycled plastic materials
This is not a sponsored content. However, we are supported by Salomon Running Australia, and as a trailrunner myself, I am a big fan of their products….so, of course I got super excited when I saw what’s coming in their supply chain and sustainability around product manufacture. More info in the video!
Oxfam100 2020: Plogging 100km with Paddy Pallin and The Plastic Runner
Every late March, the trails around Melbourne fill up with runners and walkers participating in Oxfam100. In a nutshell, hundreds of teams fundraise for a world without poverty while enjoying some time outside (maybe a long time haha).
Plastic and me, an ongoing journey
It’s around the mid-’90s, I am close to 10 years old, and we go on a family trip down to the coast. I didn’t grow up close to the ocean, but it always drew some magic in me, as I found fascinating the mysteries of its depths, the weird animals, the freedom of swimming, and the respect I gave it from that first time I almost drown under my bodyboard.
My beginning with Plogging
Plogging: a funny millennial word for something that should be like the rule everywhere you go. In a quick way to explain it, plogging means to run/jog while collecting litter. Well, I would like to share with you how I found out about plogging, or maybe how plogging found me.
Plastic Free July: How challenging could be to go plastic-free and which things can help. Part 1
July 2019 is gone, and I can’t stop feeling a bit disappointed with few things during this “Plastic Free July” challenge I went on by myself, but at the same time, I feel hope and energy to keep learning and improving. Check out my journey for a lower waste living, and some quick facts about plastic pollution.
Interview with Erik Ahlström, creator of plogging
During my daily cycling trip from Nacka to work at Östermalm I was shocked by the amount of junk there was in nature. The same debris could remain in the road for several weeks without anyone picking it up, so I started picking it up. It felt good in the heart to clean up a small place.