The ploggers made it to The Age's cover!

OMG! Big news! (literally haha)

Co-Founders Karin and Debbie showing the cover of M Magazine

Co-Founders Karin and Debbie showing the cover of M Magazine

Last week, one of our Co-founders (Karin) made it to the cover of nothing less but than “The Age” newspaper! Becoming national news through all the Australian territory! Yay!

We are so happy this movement has gone from a solo crazy bag lady to now a proper team of two crazy bag ladies, and awesome volunteers, consolidating as a Social Enterprise looking to increase environmental awareness around trail litter through plogging events!

So, a big thank you from Karin and Debbie to every single person that has helped before, during, and after our events. You are the real stars here, and we couldn’t say thank you enough times to express how much we appreciate your time and help.

Thank you to the fantastic Jayne Darcy for a well-written article, sharing stories about people creating action in their local communities while helping the planet. It is so good to know we aren’t the only ones fighting this war against litter, and that we have friends in trash to join for future events.

If you want to read the full article, click here. You won’t regret it!

And a big shoutout to other eco-legends like Josie Jones, Love our Street 3162 (Sophie Vid), RAW Travel, Ocean Crusaders, and every single one creating change and taking action.

Full article by Jayne Darcy

Full article by Jayne Darcy


Plastic Free July: How challenging could be to go plastic-free and which things can help. Part 1


Trails, smiles, and plogs at Warby Trail Festival!